Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Emma!

Whenever any of our girls celebrates a birthday, I get very sentimental... typically I well up with tears just thinking about how our family has grown and changed over the past six years. Bryan and I know full-well the heartache and brokenness that infertility brings. Years and years of loneliness and longing was, at times, almost too much to bear.
God makes many promises to His children; promises to love us fully and unconditionally, to teach us and to grow us, to carry our burdens for us, and to give us a hope and a future. We clung tightly to those promises and held our breath while we waited (and waited, and waited!) to see what He had in store for us.
And now? Who would've thought!? God knew... He knew from the beginning of time. He has blessed us in ways we cannot even begin to comprehend. He has proven Himself faithful again and again. "Gratitude" is not sufficient enough to explain my thankfulness to the Lord for choosing to bless us with three amazing daughters. But gratitude is what I feel. Thank you, God, for our family. Thank you for showing us that Your plans are far greater than our plans. Thank you for Emma Hope. He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord. ~Psalm 113:9


Jen said...

Amen, Heather! That's one of my favorite verses, too :-)
And I've always said that one of the first people I want to meet in Heaven is Hannah...her story was such a encouragement for me!

We join you in rejoicing over Emma's birthday today as well as the precious lives of all your beautiful girls! Have a wonderful day and see you this weekend,

Much love,

Mom & grateful Grandma said...

Praising God with you, Heather!!! God has certainly blessed and fulfilled you and Bryan with three precious girls.

I experience some of the same feelings you talk about in your post, as we prayed and hoped with you during the years of waiting! God is good!

Love & hugs,
Mom & a grateful Grandma